أكاديمية الطموح لتدريب الموارد البشرية
Dr. Mohammed Ali Salman, the president of the Light of Hope Organization.
He was born in Iraq, and grew up among well-known family, as his father is Mr. Ali is religious and social influencer.
He lived in the Syrian Arab Republic when he was a child, and started school there, then moved with his family to the United Arab Emirates to finish Primary school there before went back to Syria.
In 2003, after the overthrown of the Ba’athist regime, he went to live in Iraq for the first time with his family, and finished High school in Iraq. After that he went to university of Baghdad and studied Political Science.
During the time of studying in Baghdad, he led several academic and social activities. Such as forming different kinds of training courses, mainly Microsoft Windows at the time, establishing and leading several academic conferences, and book fairs.
He left to Malaysia to study Master of strategic Studies, then did his Ph.D in international studies at University Utara Malaysia.
He established the Ambition Company for Human Resources Training and Development, which trained hundreds of human resources.
Finally, and through the Light of Hope Organization for Sustainable Development, Dr. Mohammed works on using his knowledge and experience to actualize the goals of sustainable development in Iraq.
دأبت أكاديمية الطموح ومنذ تأسيسها عام 2015 إقامة دورات بمختلف المجالات التي تهدف إلى تطوير الموارد البشرية. والتي تدور حول تنمية المهارات المهنية للشابات والشباب. لاسيما في المواضيع التي تتعلق بتمكين المرأة وتطوير الطفل.
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من مقالاتنا
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